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zondag 19 november 2006 18:22  verstuur

Crossing Border Literatuur (3)
Vikram Chandra

Beeldvergroting: Vikram Chandra
Vikram Chandra

Vikram Chandra werd in 1961 geboren in New Delhi, studeerde Film en Creative Writing aan diverse universiteiten in de VS, schreef enkele succesvolle boeken en publiceert nu, na jaren research in India, de 1000-pagina's tellende 'epische thriller' Sacred Games (Godenspelen).

'To use the word "epic" in the context of a crime novel is usually asking for trouble, but few would question it being applied to Vikram Chandra's Sacred Games which clocks up 900 pages and weighs in at nearly three pounds.
Epic it is, though, in scale and scope and in the quality of the writing, which is superb, from the moment Inspector Sartaj Singh makes contact with gangster Ganesh Gaitonde on the day of his death.
Sartaj is the only Sikh inspector on the Mumbai police force and through him we not only get the gangster's story in flashback, but also a vivid picture of a teeming city where "the morgue is too small" and absolutely everybody is corrupt.
Sacred Games is a stunning novel and one of the best crime novels of the year, with Sartaj a wonderfully sympathetic hero whose philosophy is that the police are good men who have to be bad in order to keep the worst men under control.' -- Mike Ripley, Birmingham Post.

Op Crossing Border onthulde Vikram Chandra aan interviewster Lidewijde Paris enkele verbazingwekkende details over zijn contacten met de onderwereld en komt hij tot de conclusie dat onder- en bovenwereld zeer dicht bij elkaar liggen.